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Issue 132, 24 June 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Joint purchasing of vaccines and medicines becomes a reality in the EU

by Paola Testori-Coggi, Director General for Health and Consumers

by Paola Testori-Coggi, Director General for Health and Consumers

The signing by Health Ministers at the Council of 20 June in Luxembourg of the Joint Procurement Agreement for Medical Countermeasures marks a new achievement in our work to protect European citizens from cross-border health threats such as communicable diseases. The Joint procurement agreement defines the framework for common purchases and   enables   EU countries to procure pandemic vaccines and other medical countermeasures as a group, rather than individually.

Through the united strength of the signatories, Joint Procurements make it possible for Member States to ensure that pandemic vaccines and me [...]

In this edition

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Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Press Releases » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

Cost-effectiveness assessment of European influenza human pandemic alert and response strategies

FASTVAC - A generic framework for FAST production and evaluation of emergency VACcines

Quality Assurance Exercises and Networking on the Detection of Highly Infectious Pathogens

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Special report - How vaccine scares cast shadows over science,' by Kate Kelland, 2013 finalist from the United Kingdom

'Children to sue their parents if they contract an infectious disease', by Ljerka Bratonja Martinović, 2013 finalist from Croatia


News from the EU 

Commission introduces common logo for approved online pharmacies  »

With Europeans increasingly buying medicines online, online pharmacies need to be authentic and safe. The Commission has adopted an implementing Regulation under the Falsified Medicinal Products Directive which introduces a common logo for online pharmacies.

The Commission's Scientific Committee approves preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology for public consultation  »

This SCENIHR opinion aims to provide guidelines to establishing a science-based, operation definition of Synthetic Biology. A public consultation has been opened, with written comments welcome until 21 July, 2014.

EU Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance meets with the Public Health Directorate  »

The meeting was held to further develop cooperation between the public health field and the research community on combatting antimicrobial resistance in the EU. The Initiative coordinates national research activities and is financially supported by the Commission.

Commission establishes expert group on cancer control  »

The expert group will assist with drawing up legal instruments, policy documents, guidelines and recommendations on cancer control, and also at Commission's request, help prepare guidelines on cancer data and information on cancer prevention and research.

Patient safety: 53% of EU citizens still think healthcare is a risk to patients  »

A patient safety package, published today by the European Commission, highlights EU citizens’ worries and experiences as patients, how the EC and EU countries are addressing the challenge of patient safety, and barriers to overcome.

Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action publishes summary report on recent meeting  »

The Committee held its 13th meeting in Luxembourg last March, discussing the Draft Plan on alcohol, recent developments related to alcohol, the Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm and future development of EU alcohol policy.

World Blood Donor Day focuses on 'Safe blood for saving mothers'  »

This year, the goal of the annual event on 14 June was to increase awareness about why timely access to safe blood and blood products is essential for all countries as part of a comprehensive approach to prevent maternal deaths.

Scientific Committee's Opinion on Nanosilver has been published  »

The European Commission and its non-food Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) have just published the final opinion on Nanosilver: safety, health and environmental effects and role in antimicrobial resistance.

Reporting from across Europe 

National campaign launched on allergy relief and prevention  [Italy]  »

The Italian Ministry of Health is helping people cope with allergies with its new on-line information campaign, "Spring Air", which provides advice about how to stop sneezing and start enjoying outdoor activities. Included too, are tips on how to reduce pollutants.

"Stupid? – Starting to smoke is even more stupid!"  [Luxembourg]  »

Luxembourg has started an anti-smoking campaign targeting young people and featuring funny posters of a young man with cigarettes sticking out of his ears. He does look odd, but as the campaign says, it's even more stupid to smoke the cigarettes.

EU Press Releases 

Building growth: Country-specific recommendations 2014  »

The Commission has adopted economic policy recommendations to individual Member States to strengthen the recovery that began a year ago. Based on detailed analysis, they provide guidance on how to boost growth, increase competitiveness and create jobs.

Q and A: Country-specific recommendations 2014  »

Country-specific recommendations offer tailored advice to Member States on how to boost growth and jobs, while maintaining sound public finances. They are published every spring, following months of analysis by the Commission. Read more here.

EU fully committed to protecting persons with disabilities, says Commission report on UN Convention  »

The Commission has published its first report on how the EU is giving effect to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the first international legally-binding instrument setting minimum rights for people with disabilities.

New publications 

WHO’s global report on antibiotic resistance reveals serious, worldwide threat to public health  »

A new World Health Organization report provides the most comprehensive picture of antibiotic resistance to date, with data from 114 countries.

Risk assessment guideline for infectious diseases transmitted on aircraft  »

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control provides these guidelines to help national public health authorities assess the risks associated with the transmission of infectious agents on board aircraft and to decide on measures for containment.

Child poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe - A matter of children's rights  »

This Save the Children report says that between 2008 and 2012, the number of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Europe went up by almost 1 million. The organisation is calling on policy-makers and decision-makers to help by allocating resources and spending.

Factsheet on Nanosilver now available  »

Does Nanosilver pose a risk to human or environmental health? Read the factsheet, just published by the European Commission and its non-food Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR).

In the next issue

Special Edition: Scientific Committees

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