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Issue 114, 12 September 2013


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

EU Actions to fight obesity and to promote healthier lifestyles

By, Philippe Roux, Head of Unit, DG SANCO, Unit C4, Health Determinants

By, Philippe Roux, Head of Unit, DG SANCO, Unit C4, Health Determinants

We only need to look at the figures and the expanding waist lines of Europe to see that obesity is increasing.  Childhood obesity is a particularly worrying trend, which in turn can lead to a life time of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and other major chronic diseases.

On average across European Union Member States, 17% of the adult population is obese.  Fifty two per cent of the European adult population is considered overweight or obese. This means that one in two adults and nearly one in every three children are overweight or obese.

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In this edition

News from the EU » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
Forthcoming events » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

Partnership, healthy eating and innovative governance as tools to counteract obesity and overweigh (Obesity Governance)

Healthy Children in Healthy Families (Healthy Children)

Animation for Children to Teach and Influence Values and Views on healthy Eating and physical activity (ACTIVE)

Fighting Obesity through Offer and Demand (FOOD)

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Medical Alert Dogs for diabetic and autistic persons' by, Melisa Tuya Sánchez, Spanish National winner 2012


News from the EU 

European Commission - Public Health website connecting to health across Europe  »

DG Health and Consumers is pleased to present the new version of the Commissions Public Health website, adapted to new internet devices, particularly navigation on smartphones and tablets and integrating the Health-EU Portal and its newsletter.

'Quit Smoking with Barça' wins European Lung Foundation (ELF) Award for improving lung health  »

The award was presented at the European Respiratory Society's annual Congress which gathers around 20 000 healthcare professionals to discuss the latest advances in respiratory medicine.

‘Report on health inequalities in the EU’  »

This report describes the main actions that the European Commission has taken to implement its 2009 Communication on health inequalities.  It also gives an overview of the size and trends in health inequalities in the EU since 2000.  

EU Health Prize for Journalists  »

Last month to submit published articles to the fifth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists. Deadline: 30 September 2013.

New symbol identifies medicines undergoing additional monitoring  »

As from 1 September, a new symbol (▼) will allow patients and medical professionals to identify medicinal products that are subject to additional monitoring.

Commission Decision sets up a new expert group for rare diseases  »

Commission Decision was adopted on 30 July 2013 - Calls for expression of interest have been published.

'Half of a Score'  »

A video promoting rare diseases patient registration, produced by EPIRARE (European Platform for Rare Diseases Registries) and funded by the EU Health Programme.

Reporting from across Europe 

National campaign about palliative care and pain therapy  [Italy]  »

An initiative to illustrate to Italian citizens the existence of a state law that guarantees and protects access to care for patients with diseases and terminal illnesses.

New vaccination recommendations for rotavirus in infants  [Germany]  »

STIKO, the Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute, has published a new immunization schedule. Changes have also occurred in recommendations for hepatitis B and influenza vaccination.

Change4Life Eat well, Move more, Live longer  [United Kingdom]  »

A campaign encouraging changes in lifestyle. 'Modern life' can mean that we’re a lot less active. With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don’t move about as much, or eat as well as we used to.

Forthcoming events 

Applying behavioural insights to policy-making (Brussels, 30 September 2013)  »

The discussions taking place during this event will help us understand how behavioural economics could be used to influence public policy across the European Commission.

Workshop on human population exposure to EMF  »

There is a large debate about electromagnetic fields emitted by mobiles and base stations.  The LEXNET project is dedicated to minimising the exposure induced by future networks.  The workshop will present the preliminary results obtained in this project and collect comments and wishes.

6th European Public Health Conference - 'Health in Europe, are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future'(Brussels, 13-16 November 2013)  »

The conference aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering a means of exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health.

New publications 

'Easy to read science' on nano zinc oxide in sun screens  »

Some sunscreens now contain zinc oxide nanoparticles, smaller than 100 nanometres in at least one dimension. This nanomaterial may have physical and chemical properties which differ from earlier preparations of the same substance. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has recently reviewed this topic in detail.

Assessment of the added value of the EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm  »

The assessment report concludes that work carried out so far has had clear results in terms of supporting Member State action and that continuing coordination and action at EU level would maintain and strengthen the common approach.

In the next issue

Health discrimination

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