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Issue 110, 28 May 2013


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Right to health, right to life – HIV and human rights

By Henning Mikkelsen, EU Liaison Officer, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

By Henning Mikkelsen, EU Liaison Officer, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

In Europe the number of people living with HIV is steadily growing, now reaching a total of 2.3 million. The number of new HIV infections is still rising, especially in neighbouring countries.

Today very few people are dying from AIDS in EU countries where effective treatment is widely available. In countries neighbouring the EU, however, the death toll related to AIDS keeps rising - in 2011 it reached 92,000 deaths.


Across the region, specific populations such as men who have sex with men and people who inject drugs remain disproportionately affected by a high prevalence of HIV. Sti [...]

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Health Programme Projects »



Correlation II - European network social inclusion and health

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

21 days, By Cristian Delcea national winner, Romania


News from the EU 

Health-EU Newsletter survey - Let us know what you think  »

In order to help us continue to improve the newsletter please take part in our 2013 survey.

10th Anniversary of the European Patients' Forum and European Month of the Brain  »

Tonio Borg, Commissoner for Health and Consumers makes closing speech in Dublin.

Tonio Borg, Commissioner for Health and Consumers on World Thalassaemia Day  »

Personally speaking by, Commissioner Borg, Thalassaemia - When the body runs out of oxygen.

Annual report 2011: implementation of the Health Programme in 2011  »

This document provides detailed information on all actions and projects funded in 2011, the relevant budget and its execution plus examples of key results achieved in 2011 of actions funded through the Programme.

Expert panel to provide advice on investing in health  »

Twelve members of an independent expert panel have been appointed by Paola Testori Coggi, Director General of Health and Consumers at the European Commission.

‘What’s your Motto?’ –World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) day - 29 May 2013  »

The 2013 campaign will share the mottos of six inspiring young people for identity, relationships and the future, as well as inviting the public and people with MS to share their own mottos on the campaign website.

Moving closer to personalised medication for complex diseases  »

There are some problems that are more complicated than others, and some problems that are more common than others. Unfortunately, when it comes to disease, complex diseases are also the most common ones.

Developing new weapons in the fight against cancer  »

Cancer causes some 13% of deaths worldwide. Of these deaths, some 90% are caused not by the original cancer, but by its spread to other parts of the body. These secondary cancers, known as metastases, are most often caused by 'circulating tumour cells'.

RareConnect announce 40th rare disease community  », the platform created, monitored and run by patient organisations EURORDIS and NORD, continues its mission of bringing rare disease patients together, across borders and beyond language barriers.

Reporting from across Europe 

The Federal Centre for Health Education launches a new website for infection control  [Germany]  »

The website contains extensive information on infectious diseases, their transmission routes and protection options.

Health on your plate in a few clicks!  [France]  »

The National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE) launches new website with 2300 recipes to create healthy menus in line with the National Nutrition and Health Program (NFHP).

New publications 

Brain research supported by the European Union 2007-2012 - A unique commitment  »

Published by the European Commission, it includes the descriptions of more than 1200 projects.

OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: Denmark 2013 ­- Raising standards  »

This review of health care quality in Denmark published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) examines policies related to quality and covers primary and integrated care, hospital specialisation and equity.

The changing national role in health system governance - A case-based study of 11 European countries and Australia  »

Published by the World Health Organization (WHO), this study of 12 countries provides an overview of recent changes in national governments’ role in the governance of health systems.

Forthcoming events 

23rd Alzheimer Europe Conference (St. Julian's, Malta, 10 October 2013)  »

The 23rd Alzheimer Europe Conference in Malta, co-funded from the European Union, Health Programme. End of early bird registration 30 June 2013.

EU Press Releases 

New action plan agreed for innovative cross-border healthcare  »

The Declaration is aimed at prioritising the use of ICT in health among Member States to contribute to better, safer, sustainable and innovative healthcare systems for all European citizens.

Commission awards prizes to best eHealth Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)  »

The winners of the 2nd EU SME eHealth Competition came up with innovations in areas such as improving cognitive behavioural therapy for mental care, improving physiological monitoring, and people facing emergencies.

European Patients' Rights Day: 15 May 2013  »

Ten benefits the EU brings to patients - take a look at the benefits to patients of being a citizen of the EU.  

€150 million for brain research launches EU 'Month of the Brain'  »

At the start of its 'European Month of the Brain' initiative, the European Commission has earmarked some €150 million of funding for 20 new international brain research projects. It will bring the total EU investment in brain research since 2007 to over €1.9 billion.

Reform of health systems welcomed by European Commission  »

Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes and Health Commissioner Tonio Borg welcome recognition of the contribution ICT can make in reforming health systems.

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