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Issue 105, 28 February 2013


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Health of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities including Roma

 By Isabel de la Mata, Principal Advisor with Special Interest in Public Health

By Isabel de la Mata, Principal Advisor with Special Interest in Public Health

Due to the current economic crisis and political turmoil in the neighbouring countries of the EU, the issue of health of migrants and some ethnic minorities (such as the Roma) is receiving increasing attention in the EU. Public debate tends to focus on the problems, such as, the fear of healthcare system misuse, the fear that these population groups are a burden on health systems and the fear of the spread of infectious diseases.

Overall many migrant groups are actually healthier than the general population despite the fact that in many countries migrants and some ethnic minorities tend to underutilise [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
Forthcoming events » 
New publications » 
EU Press Releases » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

AVERROES - HUMA, Improving access to health care for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in the EU

Health and the Roma Community, analysis of the situation in Europe

BORDERNETwork - Highly active prevention: scale up HIV/AIDS/STI prevention, diagnostic and therapy across sectors and borders in CEE and SEE

Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities

2011 - HEALTHEQUITY-2020 - reducing health inequalities: preparation for action plans and structural funds projects.

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'I want to live…', Evangelos Pallas, Cypriot national winner

'Emergency help for the emergency service', Desislava Nikolova, Bulgarian national winner


News from the EU 

Commission adopts its Social Investment Package, with Investment in Health as a priority  »

The package aims to help Member States use their social and health budgets more efficiently and effectively with smart investments for sustainable health systems.

Commissioner for Health and Consumers, Tonio Borg speaks on the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day  »

On an official visit to Athens,in his speech the Commissioner paid tribute to all children suffering from cancer and their parents.

Summary of the scientific opinion on Security Scanners  »

Are airport scanners a risk for our health? Some airports use X-ray scanners that can cause cancer and other health problems- how safe are they?

World Health Organization (WHO) meeting "Working together for better health estimates"  »

Experts discussed future possibilities of collaboration to improve current practices in health estimates and data collection, particularly on deaths and their causes.

The sixth international Rare Disease Day  »

'Rare Disorders without Borders' is the slogan for this years' day and  is coordinated by EURORDIS and organised with rare disease national alliances in 24 European countries.

Committee for paediatric medicinal products - towards more and better information on the use of medicines for children  »

The Paediatric Committee (PDCO) of the European Medicines Agency released the first '5-year Report to the European Commission on the experience acquired on the Paediatric Regulation'.

Reporting from across Europe 

Swedish newsletter on the EU Health Programme now available!  [Sweden]  »

The Swedish National Institute of Public Health offers a subscription to an e-newsletter related to the EU Health Programme.

Anti-drinking campaign for adolescents - Alcohol does more damage than you think – Do you know your limit?  [Germany]  »

Teenagers report in an online blog about their experiences without alcohol during Lent.

Forthcoming events 

Alcohol Policy and Health in Europe – Where do we go? (Brussels 14 March 2013)  »

Lunch Seminar organised by The European Alcohol Policy Alliance (EUROCARE) speakers will highlight how alcohol affects health and social life and cause harm to others.

New publications 

Waiting Time Policies in the Health Sector - What Works?  »

This book provides a framework to understand why there are waiting lists for elective surgery in some OECD countries and not in others.

Operations research in disaster preparedness and response  »

This publication from the EC is on response logistics related to public health impact of disasters whose consequences exceed the capability of civil protection and public health systems.

EU Press Releases 

Tobacco: Exposure to second hand smoke reduced, but still too high  »

Protection from second hand smoke has improved considerably in the EU, according to a report published by the Commission, 28% of Europeans were exposed to second hand smoke in bars in 2012 – down from 46% in 2009.

In the next issue

Patient Safety

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