Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

21/02/2023 - 22/02/2023

Thematic Learning Dialogue: Denmark – Exchange among PES operating in a decentralised model

This Thematic Learning Dialogue provided a forum for exchange among PES operating in a decentralised model. Over a day and a half, Public Employment Service (PES) representatives from Finland, France, Italy, Poland and Spain addressed the implications of the decentralised model, supported by the Danish host, Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen.

The TLD featured presentations on:

  • STAR, Denmark;
  • SEPE, Spain;
  • Finnish Employment Service, Finland;
  • Pôle employ, France;
  • ANPAL, Italy;
  • Polish Employment Service, Poland.

Participating PES identified needs for further information, activities and support, as well as ways of adapting the approach presented by their peer PES to their institutional, organisational and economic conditions.

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