Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

28/11/2019 Kyiv

Eastern partnership - Regional conference on youth transitions to work

DG EMPL will organise a regional conference on “Youth transitions to work” with the EU's six eastern neighbours (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) on 28 November in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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Discussions will focus on the role of employment policies and institutions to support youth employment and in particular, their transitions to work from school, unemployment or inactivity.

The programme will emphasise knowledge exchanges on implementation in practice, notably of the EU youth guarantee - the EU flagship initiative to support our Member States in addressing youth unemployment. We will focus on three core dimensions of the youth guarantee: role of public employment services; broad and innovative partnerships; and outreach to young NEETs (youth not in employment, education or training). Examples of its implementation will be presented by EU Member States. North Macedonia and Serbia will also present their initiatives to support youth access to work.

Youth employment and employability are critical challenges for the countries’ future and a priority for cooperation under the EU eastern partnership. The conference complements existing activities under the umbrella of the EU Eastern Partnership.

The conference will bring together around 80 participants, representing national public administrations in charge of employment policy, employment and social services, and VET, social partners, civil society platforms and youth organisations from the EU, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, and selected other countries as well as experts from the European Training Foundation and international organisations.


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