Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 06/12/2023

European Commission’s response to citizens’ letters on the proposed Directive on improving working conditions in platform work

The European Commission replies to recent citizens’ letters expressing their concern about the ongoing negotiations on the Directive on improving working conditions in platform work.

Logo of the European Commission

The European Commission takes note of the concerns voiced by citizens about the ongoing negotiations on the Directive on improving working conditions in platform work.

The proposal of the Commission aimed to accurately determine the employment status of people working on digital labour platforms and to improve their working conditions.

The Commission proposal introduced a legal presumption of an employment relationship, with criteria to assess direction and control between the platform and the worker. This presumption is rebuttable, and the responsibility to demonstrate the absence of an employment relationship lies with the platforms.

Due to the rapid growth and cross-border nature of platform work, a swift EU-level response is essential for legal certainty.

The successful adoption and implementation of a Directive at European level are crucial for ensuring decent working conditions in platform work and promoting the sustainable development of digital labour platforms in the EU.

It is now up to the European Parliament and the Council to expedite an agreement and the adoption of the proposed Directive, with the continued support of the European Commission.

Ongoing negotiations between the European Parliament and the Member States are in progress. The presumption and the conditions for rebuttal by digital labour platforms are part of this ongoing process.

Co-legislators are working to ensure the right balance.

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