Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/09/2021

Seventh online training: Apprenticeships: A first choice for all?

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) has launched a new online training module on making apprenticeships a first choice for young learners, adults and underrepresented learners. This is the seventh in a series of online training modules designed to provide insight into apprenticeship systems within the EU.

Diverse group of people from different fields, some with disabilities

Attention to the value of apprenticeships has rapidly increased since the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008. While there were high levels of youth unemployment throughout Europe, countries with effective apprenticeship systems were generally less impacted by the crisis. The COVID-19 crisis has further amplified the value of apprenticeships. However, to truly channel the benefits of apprenticeships and incite their value for all, it is crucial to ensure that they are of high quality and are able to attract learners from different groups. These are key priorities within the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (EFQEA). The EFQEA states that in addition to providing a pathway to excellence, quality apprenticeships can contribute to fostering active citizenship and social inclusion by integrating people of different social and personal backgrounds into the labour market. 

This module falls within the first EAfA priority focusing on quality and effective apprenticeships, and covers some of the transversal issues EAfA is also keen to address, namely social inclusion and gender balance.

The module presents VET providers, employers and policymakers with useful tips and examples on how to improve the quality of apprenticeships to make them a first choice for young learners, adult learners, and underrepresented learners. It will take you through various interactive materials, infographics, and examples from different countries, and will provide you with a range of additional resources along the way. In this module you will learn about:

  • the policy relevance of making apprenticeships a first choice and what makes apprenticeships attractive;
  • how to increase the attractiveness of apprenticeships for young learners;
  • the benefits of apprenticeships for adult learners and how to increase their attractiveness to adult learners;
  • issues of inclusion affecting apprenticeships, and how apprenticeships can tackle gender inequalities and be made more inclusive of learners with disabilities.

The module takes about 30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will obtain a certificate of achievement. To start the module, follow the link below. 


Module 7: Apprenticeships: A first choice for all? 


Previous training modules

Module 1: Understanding apprenticeships in the EU

Module 2: Critical success factors for apprenticeships in the EU

Module 3: How to join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships

Module 4: Supporting in-company trainers in SMEs

Module 5: Involvement of social partners

Module 6: Going digital in apprenticeships


Simon Broek is a Senior Expert in VET and Adult Learning and Director of Ockham IPS, based in the Netherlands. During the last decade and a half, he was involved in a large number of national, European and international research projects and evaluations relating to education, training, and labour market issues for organisations such as the European Commission, Cedefop, the European Training Foundation, UNESCO and the International Labour Organization (ILO). He was the external consultant supporting the ET2020 Working Group on Adult Learning, focusing on adult learning in the workplace and he is currently a Senior Expert helping to deliver the European Commission's Apprenticeship Support Services. Furthermore, Simon is involved in an ongoing Cedefop study on the Future of VET, which explores the role of IVET institutions in opening up to adult learners. Simon currently evaluates UNESCO’s work on inclusion in education and has a background in Philosophy.

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