Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

06/09/2021 - 07/09/2021

Thematic seminar for the FEAD Community: Monitoring and outreach of FEAD-funded measures for the most deprived people

The thematic seminar, ‘Monitoring and outreach of FEAD-funded measures for the most deprived people’ will take place online on 6-7 September 2021.

Volunteers serving hot soup for homeless in community charity donation centre.

© Shutterstock

The thematic seminar will explore how to monitor the impact of measures financed by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) on the target groups and end recipients and how to reach out to the most deprived people.

The seminar will provide an opportunity to identify and discuss innovative, promising or good practices from the host country (Estonia), as well as from other Member States, and to look ahead towards the new programming period and European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

The thematic seminar will balance panel discussions with interactive workshops, providing opportunities for maximising communication between participants. It will focus on:

  • Monitoring the impact of FEAD-funded measures on the target groups and end recipients, including methodologies, challenges and how can monitoring practices provide relevant information on the end recipients while complying with confidentiality policies and data protection legislation
  • Outreach to the most deprived people, including current practices, challenges and role of volunteers.


The seminar will gather participants representing local, regional and national stakeholders involved in the implementation of FEAD, including:

  • managing authorities
  • intermediate bodies
  • beneficiaries providing support and their partners (e.g. municipalities)
  • independent experts
  • civil society organisations
  • representatives from the European Commission

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