Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

10/06/2021 Online

Webinar: Going digital − simulations and gaming in apprenticeships

On 10 June at 10:00 CEST, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is organising a webinar titled ‘Going digital − simulations and gaming in apprenticeships’. The webinar falls under the renewed EAfA priority ‘Committing to quality and effective apprenticeships, and encouraging Member States and companies to do so, by fostering national apprenticeships coalitions’. It corresponds to the action ‘Encouraging new pledges to incorporate the acquisition of skills for the green transition and the development of robust digital competences in apprenticeships’.

Two female apprentices on computer screen: one is wearing a VR headset, the other is holding a mobile phone

This webinar will provide space to discuss the opportunities and challenges for apprenticeships presented by two of the latest developments in digital learning: simulations and gaming. Simulation has long been a part of vocational training, and now digital tools are opening up new possibilities to replicate workplaces. Game-based learning also has potential, offering innovative ways to learn outside the traditional methods. This webinar will provide insights into how simulations and gaming might fit into the world of apprenticeships, along with examples to inspire policy and practice.

The webinar will be moderated by Simon Broek, Senior Researcher at Ockham IPS working on vocational education and training (VET) and apprenticeships in Europe, with the introduction provided by Tim Schreiber from the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission.

The webinar will include the following guests:

  • Alessandro Brolpito, Senior Specialist in Digital Skills and Learning at the European Training Foundation, will discuss how to effectively integrate simulation and serious games into apprenticeships.
  • Andrew McCoshan, Senior Expert in VET and Director of Plexus Research & Consulting, will talk about where simulations and gaming sit in the wider digital learning landscape.
  • Unai Ziarsolo, Mechanical Engineer and a Senior Project Manager at the VET centre CIFP Miguel ALTUNA, will discuss how simulation software is used in practice.

As usual, after the presentations, the moderator will open the floor to questions from the audience.

How to participate

Register now for the webinar


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