Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

26/01/2024 Nicosia

Recent developments concerning Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination on the EU level, and assessment of impacts on Cypriot law and practice

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a seminar on 26 January 2024 in Nicosia (Cyprus).

The seminar was organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Cypriot national expert Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi. MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

The seminar focused on three modules: the first module was devoted to updates, at the European level, on freedom of movement of workers and social security coordination, with a special focus on the latest cases of the European Court of Justice and issues related to cross-border healthcare. The second module, was more focused on Cyprus and the most recurrent challenges it encounters, including undeclared work and international cooperation with inspection authorities to track down letterbox companies. Finally, the last module gave participants the opportunity to learn about the support services to FMW and SSC, facilitating employment and dispute resolution, EURES and SOLVIT.



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