Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

02/07/2019 - 03/07/2019 Athens

Structured Dialogue on Minimum Income

An event for Structured dialogue on minimum income will take place in Athens, Greece on 2-3 July 2019 with the participation of national experts working in the implementation of such schemes.

© Skitterphoto

The purpose of the meeting is that public authorities mutually explore, discuss and exchange experiences linked to minimum income schemes with the aim to contribute to the implementation of Principle 14 of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which calls for adequate, accessible and enabling minimum income schemes across Europe.

In particular, specific aspects of the design of policy frameworks for minimum income schemes and their implementation will be discussed relating to the setting of benefit levels and uprating mechanisms, as well as regulatory aspects, with a more technical exchange on:

  • means-testing and the level of benefits – their impact on coverage
  • various practices and methodologies for setting the level of benefits
  • governance mechanisms and outreach to potential beneficiaries

Mutual learning will be facilitated by a mixture of presentations and discussions in working groups.

Registration to this event is by invitation only.


For any queries on this event, please send an email to the organisers.

02/07/2019- 03/07/2019

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