Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

04/04/2019 Lisbon

Seminar: Creating conditions for quality traineeships

The seminar ‘Creating conditions for quality traineeships’ will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 4 April 2019, and focus on the working conditions and social protection of trainees.

© Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

Traineeships have become an important entry point into the labour market for young people in Europe, as a significant number of them participate in traineeships.

To allow young people to fully benefit from these learning opportunities, it is important to guarantee their good quality, in terms of learning content and working conditions, including social protection.

The seminar aims to discuss:

  • the role of legislation and its enforcement in guaranteeing the best possible protection and working conditions for trainees, and the correct use of traineeships,
  • the role of the Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships in guaranteeing the quality of traineeships in Europe,
  • possible other means, at national and at EU level, to enhance trainee protection,
  • the possible need for further action at EU level to enhance the quality and prevent the misuse of traineeships.

In view of these aims, the seminar will discuss how to improve the quality of traineeships. Many countries and organisations are already tackling the issue, and their experience will be used to inspire the discussion.

In addition, the seminar will take a closer look at how legislation frames traineeship quality. This will help others to learn from existing experience and to develop adequate tools. 

The seminar will gather representatives of labour ministries, labour inspectorates, social partners, company representatives, youth organisations and other relevant stakeholders having an interest in traineeships, including the Commission.

The seminar is on invitation only.


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