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European Social Fund Plus

Inspiring examples of alleviating poverty - thanks to EU funding

project fighting social exclusion
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A compendium of more than 20 case studies provides insights into projects supported by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD), showing how the fund is a lifeline for people experiencing serious material deprivation and social isolation.

The new publication by the FEAD Community, an open membership network, brings together all those who are working to tackle poverty in European countries. This includes national FEAD managing authorities, organisations delivering or interested FEAD-funded activities, and EU-level non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The catalogue is based on their mutual learning activities and highlights specific projects, policy measures, services or forms of co-operation that could inform and serve as examples for shaping future interventions in the Member States, representing the first steps for supporting people out of poverty and social exclusion.

FEAD is designed to contribute to the alleviation of the worst forms of poverty in the EU, supporting actions that meet the food, clothing and sanitary needs of the most deprived.  It also focuses on providing vital support to those most isolated, ensuring all individuals can benefit from European solidarity.  FEAD has acted as a lifeline to some of Europe’s most vulnerable individuals and families and was enhanced during the Covid crisis with additional funding from the Next Generation EU REACT EU instrument.  

This publication demonstrates the amazing work enabled by FEAD in its aim to build a more inclusive Europe, and arrives while Member States’ are planning future interventions, which are vital as part of the EU’s sustainable recovery from the COVID pandemic.  From 2021-2027, the fund’s ability to support the most deprived in our societies will be further enhanced under the ESF+ - the EU’s main instrument to invest in people and implement the European Pillar of Social Rights.