Birth of a new EU agency

© Belga Image 2019-2024 Child Guarantee: The new European Commission will reinforce the Youth Guarantee and develop a European Child Guarantee. Dignity, fairness and prosperity: such are the values that President- elect of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, highlighted in her mission letter to Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner- elect for Jobs and Social Rights, on 10 September 2019. These values are at the heart of the overall objective of “strengthening Europe’s social dimension and ensuring that those in work are supported to earn a living and those out of work are supported to find a job and gain the skills they need”. Implementing the Pillar In practice, strengthening Europe’s social dimension entails drawing up an action plan for further implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, which the Commission adopted and proclaimed together with the European Parliament and EU Member States in 2017. It is also about adopting an EU framework for ensuring a fair minimum wage, improving labour conditions for platform workers, designing a European unemployment benefit reinsurance scheme and developing a well-functioning European Labour Authority (see page 14). And it entails promoting social dialogue, making the most out of the future European Social Fund+ (ESF+), strengthening the social protection systems through the European Semester process of economic and social policy coordination, reinforcing the European Youth Guarantee, developing a European Child Reinforcing the social dimension Jobs and Social Rights European Commissioner-elect Nicolas Schmit faced the relevant European Parliament committee successfully on 1 October 2019 6 / SOC I A L AG E NDA / NOV E MB E R 2 0 1 9