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Public consultation on health effects of artificial light

Public consultation on a working mandate for a scientific opinion on health effects of artificial light

The European Commission has requested the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to assess health effects of artificial light.

In line with its procedures for stakeholder dialogue, published on 15 September 2007, the European Commission is launching a public consultation on the working mandatepdf. The Stakeholder Dialogue Procedure is now implemented in the Rules of Procedurespdf (Annex IV) of the new Scientific Committees set up by Commission Decision 2008/721/EC of 5 September 2008.


In its Light sensitivity opinion 1, adopted on 23 September 2008, the SCENIHR identified blue light and ultraviolet radiation "as a potential risk factor for the aggravation of the light-sensitive symptoms in some patients with such diseases as chronic actinic dermatitis and solar urticaria".

After the publication of the opinion and the adoption of Commission Regulation 244/2009 setting ecodesign requirements for non-directional lamps, further claims relating to light sensitivity and to the potential health effects of artificial light have been brought to attention.

Taking into account the above, SCENIHR is asked, among other issues, to update the conclusions of its previous opinion regarding commonly available lamp technologies and any associated potential health risks.

Submission of comments:

The working mandate for this request can be found here pdf.

All interested parties are invited to submit their comments and proposals to the following mailbox: specifying "Artificial Light – Consultation on Working Mandate" in the subject line of the e-mail.

The deadline for submission of comments is 4 January 2010

Interested parties should include their names, contact details, affiliations and a valid e-mail address in the text of the message. The full body of your contribution as well as references should be attached as separate documents to the electronic message. 2

Please note that only comments submitted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Committees pdf (Annex IV) will be taken into account.

More information on SCENIHR and the other Scientific Committees managed by the European Commission can be found here

1 pdf

2The Commission shall process personal data information pursuant to Regulation 45/2001 EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.