Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 65, 24 February 2011

In this edition


Informed patients for safe cross-border healthcare

Nathalie Chaze, Head of Unit C5 –Health strategy and health systems

An elderly German man with diabetes brings extra prescriptions with him on a trip to Italy but will the pharmacist accept them? A Polish woman needs hip surgery and prefers to be operated in the country where her grandchildren live, but how can she organise this from Poland? A Portuguese man wants a specialist in Spain to treat his cataracts, but will he be reimbursed?


These are just a few examples of why clear and coherent rules are needed on cross-border healthcare.


A new EU law on patients' rights in the context of cross-border healthcare is about to be adopted. It will clarify patients' rights to safe, quality treatment in other EU countries, and to be reimbursed for it. Patients travelling to another EU country for medical care will enjoy equal treatment as citizens of the country in which they are treated.


This new law will benefit EU patients in several other ways too. It will:

- Make it easier for national health authorities to work more closely together and exchange information on quality and safety standards of healthcare.

- Provide help to patients who need specialised treatment, such as for patients suffering from rare diseases.

- Promote the recognition of prescriptions across the EU.

- Help create European Reference Networks, bringing together specialised centres of expertise and enabling experts across Europe to share best practices on healthcare and develop standards of excellence.


With this new law, decades of legal uncertainty on cross-border healthcare are finally addressed.

News from the EU

New Health-EU video on cross-border healthcare

This video outlines who can seek treatment and who foots the bill.

New Health-EU video on cross-border healthcare

This video outlines who can seek treatment and who foots the bill.

Action to reduce impact of harmful alcohol use

The newly published global status report on alcohol and health analyses evidence on alcohol consumption and provides data for 100 individual country profiles.

Action to reduce impact of harmful alcohol use

The newly published global status report on alcohol and health analyses evidence on alcohol consumption and provides data for 100 individual country profiles.

Reporting from across Europe


"I love my body"

As part of the "Eat healthy, Move more" programme, the Health Ministry's new campaign encourages regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.


Dealing with Alzheimer's

This practical guide targets people with Alzheimer's or a related disease, but also anyone wanting to learn more about these diseases.

EU Press Releases

EU Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-border Healthcare – statement by Commissioner Dalli

The Directive clarifies patients' rights to safe, quality treatment in other EU countries, including reimbursement.

Q&A: Patient's rights in cross-border healthcare

The most frequently asked questions on rights and rules for cross-border healthcare.

Awareness of Europe-wide single emergency number 112

The Commission is urging EU members to step up their efforts to publicise the 112 emergency number, which can be used in all EU countries to reach the emergency services.

Forthcoming Events

Rare Disease Day 2011: Focus on health inequalities (28 February 2011)

Rare Disease Day seeks to increase awareness of rare diseases among the public; health authorities and policymakers at EU, national and local levels; health professionals; researchers; academics; the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and the media.

Healthcare in Europe: Transforming policy, systems and funding (Geneva, 17 March 2011)

The summit is a unique gathering of influential healthcare stakeholders, including senior policymakers healthcare providers, suppliers, financiers and regulators.

e-Health - A New Holistic Healthcare Plan for Europe (Brussels, 23 - 24 March 2011)

This international symposium will analyse the latest e Health initiatives and key challenges in shaping tomorrow's healthcare systems across Europe.

New Publications

First WHO report on neglected tropical diseases

This report presents evidence that activities undertaken to prevent and control neglected tropical diseases are producing results.

First WHO report on neglected tropical diseases

This report presents evidence that activities undertaken to prevent and control neglected tropical diseases are producing results.

New publication highlights recommendations for rapid uptake of e-Health

Rapid action is needed to increase patient access to e Health technologies by setting targets for EU countries on reimbursement and access to innovative technologies.

New publication highlights recommendations for rapid uptake of e-Health

Rapid action is needed to increase patient access to e Health technologies by setting targets for EU countries on reimbursement and access to innovative technologies.

What's New on Health-EU

Europe for Patients website – new section on pharmaceuticals

Official information on EU actions to help Europeans be as healthy as possible.

Europe for Patients website – new section on pharmaceuticals

Official information on EU actions to help Europeans be as healthy as possible.


Informed patients for safe cross-border healthcare

Activities at EU level

Health-EU - Mobility in Europe

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Health-EU - Insurance

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Health-EU - Patient Safety

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

Cross-border care

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Europe for patients – Cross-border healthcare

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

EU Health Prize for journalists 2010 – Articles

Medicine without borders – by Célia Laherrere, winner from France

Health Programme Projects

HEALTHACCESS - Mapping health services access: National and cross-border issues

The project looks at a framework of obstacles (within countries) to accessible and appropriate health services.

BORDERNET – HIV/AIDS and STI-prevention

HIV/AIDS and STI-prevention, diagnostic and therapy in crossing border regions among the current and the new EC-outer borders

Other interesting links

UEMS - European Union of Medical Specialists

EFN - European Federation of Nurses Associations

EUPHA – European Public Health Association

EHMA - European Health Management Association

HOSPEEM - European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association

HOPE - European Hospital and Healthcare Federation

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
This newsletter is available in 22 official languages of the EU:

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