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Issue 164, 26 November 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Investing in our future: ESI Funds for better and more accessible healthcare

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General of the European Commission Directorate for Health and Food Safety

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General of the European Commission Directorate for Health and Food Safety

How is the European taxpayer's money being spent on health? With support from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), health investments in 2014-2020 are going to be result-driven and based on the needs. These funds are intended to help reduce health inequalities and make it easier for all EU citizens to have access to high quality healthcare. In short, to provide fairer, better health care services for all.

Health investments, supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund, will be earmarked for specific things like strengthening primary healthcare and c [...]

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EU Press Releases » 
EU Health Award for NGOs » 
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Reporting from across Europe » 
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News from the EU 

Commission launches new version of European Core Health Indicators data tool  »

With the new ECHI data tool, health experts, stakeholders and others interested in health can still find five different groups of indicators, but now they can select more than one indicator at a time to make further comparisons and/or analyses of data.

Ten years of data: Europe’s HIV response not effective enough  »

With over 142 000 new HIV diagnoses in 2014, the WHO European Region recorded the highest number of newly diagnosed infections in one year since reporting began in the 1980s. New diagnoses have more than doubled in some EU/EEA countries.

Published: Opinion on Potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of calcium cyanamide as fertiliser  »

The Opinion has been published by the European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER).

EU Press Releases 

Combating resistance to last-line antibiotics in the EU still a priority  »

On  the 8th European Antibiotic Awareness Day, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis said that new ECDC survey results show that "the threat of antibiotic resistance is increasing day by day. If left unchecked, it has the capacity to turn the clock back on medicine by a hundred years."

EU Health Award for NGOs 

Action Medeor e.V  »

Set-up and appropriate utilisation of an Ebola treatment unit in co-operation with GerLib Clinic, Monrovia, Liberia

Amref Flying Doctors  »

Ebola response in Guinea: community based interventions

 More information on the Award


New publications 

Summary report published of the EU and Luxembourg Presidency conference on Ebola  »

The summary report is now available from the 12-14 October conference in Luxembourg on' Lessons learnt for public health from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa – how to improve preparedness and response in the EU for future outbreaks”.

Reporting from across Europe 

To save a life you don't need to have super powers – a signature's enough!  [Italy]  »

The message is clear in a new campaign about organ donation and the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells that includes TV and radio spots, a Facebook page, and leaflets that appeal to our inner super hero. We can all save lives, by becoming donors.

Forthcoming events 

World AIDS Day (Worldwide event, 1 December 2015)  »

Some 34 million people are HIV-positive and more than 35 million people have died from the virus. Wear a red ribbon, take the online quiz: Are you HIV aware? and use this knowledge to prevent AIDS and to ensure that people living with HIV are treated fairly.

Quality Action Conference on Improving HIV Prevention (Berlin, 26 – 27 January 2016)  »

The conference on the theme “Doing the right things right!” is the concluding event of Quality Action, the EU co-funded ‘Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention’, involving 45 partner organisations from 26 Member States. Register now!

In the next issue

Crossborder Healthcare

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