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Issue 139, 30 October 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Health in the Mediterranean area: strengthening relationships amongst health systems encourages solidarity and growth

by Davide Lecchini, Health/Pharma/Food safety attachè to the Italian Permanent Representation to the EU

by Davide Lecchini, Health/Pharma/Food safety attachè to the Italian Permanent Representation to the EU

This week's “Health in the Mediterranean” Ministerial Conference, organised by the Italian Presidency, has put the spotlight on issues impacting public health where cooperation between the EU and other countries around the Mediterranean is important. 

In the last few months, the world has been vividly reminded by the Ebola epidemic and by the resurgence of polio and of MERS Coronavirus that health problems do not stop at borders.

In our fight against serious cross-border threats such as these, the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) provide a legally binding framework for the coordinatio [...]

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EU Press Releases » 
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Reporting from across Europe » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

EpiSouth Plus

TAG - Together Against Genodermatoses

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Hello Neighbour!', by Sibylle Hamann, 2013 national winner from Austria

'The Patient Traffickers', by Christiane Hawranek and Marco Maurer, 2013 2nd Prize winners overall and national winners from Germany

'Thalassaemia, my "other" self', by Lena Tsoukala, 2013 national winner from Cyprus


News from the EU 

EU holds high-level meeting to discuss Ebola  »

A high-level meeting on Ebola took place on Oct. 16 between the EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg, the Italian presidency, and health ministers from EU, European Economic Area and European Free Trade Association Member States. More info and Ebola updates here.

Expert Panel adopts Opinion on Future EU Agenda on Patient Safety and Quality of Care  »

The independent Expert Panel which advises the Commission on matters related to effective ways of investing in health has adopted its opinion on the Future EU Agenda on Quality of Health Care with a special emphasis on Patient Safety.

Public consultation on SCENIHR preliminary Opinion on medical devices containing DEHP open through 30 November  »

Does high-level DEHP-exposure through the use of medical devices pose any risk to vulnerable groups? Read the preliminary opinion of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks and participate in the public consultation.

Click and learn with the new-look Best practice portal from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction  »

Targeted at practitioners and professionals, the portal is designed as a practical and reliable source of what works, and what doesn’t, in the areas of drug-related prevention, treatment, harm reduction and social reintegration.

New publications 

The EU in Global Health  »

This publication by the European Commission gives an overview of the EU in Global Health governance and how the EU interacts with health processes at global level.

Implementation report on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias published  »

This report presents the key activities undertaken since 2009 in the context of EU health policy and other relevant EU policy areas. It summarises the main achievements and links them to the currently launched activities ensuring continuity of EU action on dementia.

A wealth of health! Autumnal harvest of health info available to download  »

Lots of concise, free and downloadable health info has just been published online. Topics include EU action related to obesity, cancer, chronic diseases, transplantations and EU public health policy achievements.

European Centre for Disease Control publishes technical report on Ebola screening measures  »

The ECDC published the technical report on exit and entrance screenings at airports, seaports and major land crossings in order to support decision making by EU public health authorities. This was considered by the EU Health Security Committee.

EU Press Releases 

WHO declares end of Ebola outbreak in Nigeria  »

According to WHO recommendations, the end of an Ebola virus disease outbreak in a country can be declared once 42 days have passed and no new cases have been detected. On 20 October, Nigeria reached that 42-day mark and is now considered free of Ebola transmission.

Q and A: Ebola and health implications for the EU  »

The current Ebola outbreak affecting the West Africa region is the worst such outbreak on record. The World Health Organisation has declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, calling for a coordinated international response.

Forthcoming events 

Diabetes policies in Europe: state of play (Brussels, 5 November 2014)  »

What are the policies for diabetes in your country? How are they implemented? Where are the gaps? Join the debate in the European Parliament and look out for activities around healthy living during Diabetes Awareness week.

European Network of Cancer Registries Scientific Meeting and General Assembly 2014 (Ispra, Italy, 12 –14 November 2014)  »

Entitled 'Toward a harmonised cancer information system in Europe', this event will allow European cancer registries to share research findings, discuss cancer registration issues, exchange ideas and best practices, network and present epidemiological work.

Reporting from across Europe 

Find the 'little things' that protect your mental health  [Ireland]  »

'Little things' is the new campaign launched by the National Office for Suicide Prevention and partners that highlights that we all go through difficult times, and that when we do, there are simple, little things we can do that make a big difference in how we feel.

In the next issue

Antimicrobial Resistance

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