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Issue 131, 5 June 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Commission Communication on effective, accessible and resilient health systems

by Nathalie Chaze, Head of the Healthcare Systems Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

by Nathalie Chaze, Head of the Healthcare Systems Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

Health systems play a central role in our societies: they help each of us maintain and improve our health, making a massive contribution to the wellbeing of us all.

However, health systems are more and more exposed to several stress factors: the population in Europe is getting older and needs more and better care; modern technologies provide effective care but this comes at a cost; the health workforce is unevenly distributed and struggle to cover the needs, and with the economic crisis governments have to make difficult decisions with limited budgets.

For these reasons, and to stimulate a wide [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
Forthcoming events » 
EU Press Releases » 
New publications » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

Activation of Stratification Strategies and Results of the interventions on frail patients of Healthcare Services

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region

European Patients Forum

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'The Patient Traffickers', by Christiane Hawranek and Marco Maurer, 2013 2nd prize overall winners, from Germany

'How I became a member of the cytostatics network. Do you want to be part of it too?', by Vlad Mixich, 2013 finalist from Romania.

'Printing Bodies', by Marta Palomo de Udaeta, 2013 finalist from Spain


News from the EU 

Work Plan 2014 to implement the Third Health Programme has been published  »

The 2014 Work Plan lists all the actions to be funded under the first year of implementation of the Third Health Programme 2014-2020. The annual budget is about 54 million euros.

Still time to participate: Info-Day on the 3rd Health Programme Calls 2014  »

The Info-Day on the new Calls for proposals for 2014, planned for 27 May 2014 in Luxembourg, was postponed to 10 June 2014.

Call for proposals: "Healthy diet: Early years and Ageing Population"  »

The European Commission's present call for proposals will support interventions related to healthy diet in early years and ageing population. The deadline for proposals is 14 August 2014.

Momentum project publishes list of factors necessary for the success of telemedicine  »

The Momentum project, partially funded by the European Commission, has published a list of 18 factors that are critical to deploying telemedicine successfully into routine health care. The publication of this list begins a public consultation phase.

European Food Safety Authority invites scientists to apply for membership  »

High-calibre scientists with expertise in areas including biology, animal health and welfare, plant health, genetically modified organisms, feedstuffs, plant protection, contaminants in the food chain, biological hazards and nutrition are invited to apply by 18 June 2014.

Commission hosts GAVI Alliance replenishment launch meeting  »

The event was the kick-off in the run-up to the second GAVI Alliance Replenishment, starting the donor pledging process for the 2016-2020 period. Since 2003, the EU has contributed some €83 million to the Alliance, which has saved 6 million lives since the year 2000.

Updated travel advice issued for residents and visitors to polio-infected countries  »

Travel advice with new recommendations in all EU languages has been issued by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Forthcoming events 

EU contribution to reinforced prevention and improved care in times of HIV epidemic resurgence HIV/AIDS (Athens, 12 - 13 June 2014)  »

This media cluster event addresses press journalists of specialised health media and of health columns in the general press and will focus on projects implemented in the frame of the EU Health Programmes, their results and daily life impact.

Frailty conference: Identifying priorities for an EU policy (Brussels, 18 June 2014)  »

Organised by the European Commission, this conference will bring together policy makers, healthcare organisations, public health professionals, researchers and patient organisations to flesh out recommendations and guidelines for building a European policy on frailty.

European Reference Network Conference (Brussels, 23 June 2014)  »

Healthcare providers, experts, national authorities and others will discuss the state of play on the organisation of highly specialised networks and their members across the EU in preparation for the call for European Reference Networks in 2015. Register by 10 June.

Horizon 2020 Health European Brokerage event (Lyon, France, 4 July 2014)  »

In this event sponsored by the European Commission, participants will be able to present their project ideas, look for project partners and take part in pre-arranged bilateral discussions. Requests for these discussions can be made weeks in advance, so register now.

EU Press Releases 

Commission urges need for greater effectiveness, accessibility and resilience for EU’s health systems  »

The Commission has laid out an EU agenda for making Europe’s health systems fit for facing current challenges and pressures. It lists a number of initiatives the EU can develop to help EU Countries ensure that citizens receive the high quality care they desire.

Holiday season: useful tips for a worry-free summer  »

The European Commission provides some timely and useful tips, including what rights you have to medical services abroad, to help put your mind at ease before taking off on holiday this summer.

Air pollution still harming health across Europe  »

Around 90 % of city dwellers in the European Union are exposed to one of the most damaging air pollutants at levels deemed harmful to health by the World Health Organisation.

Ombudsman concerned about change of policy at Medicines Agency as regards clinical trial data transparency  »

The European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly has expressed concern about what appears to be a significant change of policy concerning clinical trial data transparency at the European Medicines Agency.

EU steps up assistance for flood victims  »

The Commission is coordinating EU assistance and manages the Emergency Response Coordination Centre, which sent some 400 relief workers from the Member States to Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Preventing the spread of disease is part of the work being done.

New publications 

Infographic: How Europe monitors pesticide residues in food  »

This infographic highlights how the European Food Safety Authority and Member States work together to monitor pesticide residues.

Reporting from across Europe 

Care Act 2014 called the biggest reform to the social care system in more than 60 years  [United Kingdom]  »

The Ministry of Health says that Care Act 2014 empowers patients and their care-givers and for the first time, puts a limit on the amount anyone will have to pay towards the costs of their care.

Unstoppable Ex-Smokers among 40,000 participants in Brussels 20 km run  [Belgium]  »

On 18 May more than 40 000 people took part in the 35th annual 20 km Brussels run. The European Commission sponsored the race within the Ex-Smokers action and distributed materials aimed at helping smokers quit and become unstoppable.

In the next issue

Joint Procurement Agreement to procure medical countermeasures

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