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Issue 104, 14 February 2013


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Health Systems – the European Dimension

By Nathalie Chaze, Head of Healthcare Systems unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

By Nathalie Chaze, Head of Healthcare Systems unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

Each country is responsible for the definition of its health policy and for the management of its health services. The Lisbon Treaty calls upon the European Union to complement Member States' action by encouraging cooperation between them and lending support to their action. In fact, in recent years the EU has increasingly supported Member States in pursuing sustainability and efficiency for their health systems.

The EU clearly collaborates closely with countries involved in economic assistance programmes because of their harsh economic situations, as is the case for Greece and Portugal. In these progra [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
What's New on Health-EU » 
Forthcoming events » 
New publications » 
EU Press Releases » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »


European Health Management Association (EHMA)

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

Cancer and the healthcare system, by Inta Lase, National Winner Latvia


News from the EU 

Launch of EU Rapid Alert platform for human tissues and cells  »

This platform will improve safety of patients undergoing transplantation and medical procedures involving human tissues and cells, e.g. bone marrow, cornea, skin, oocytes, sperm, etc.

Diamonds – A cancer patient's best friend  »

DINAMO, a EU-funded research project, shows that diamonds can offer a radical new way to detect the onset of cancer far earlier than has previously been possible.

Expert meeting discussed verification process for measles and rubella elimination  »

In a meeting jointly organised by WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), experts discussed how to increase vaccination coverage through routine and/or supplemental immunisation. 

HEAL announces entries for ‘Health and Environment Film Prize’  »

The five documentaries selected for the competition have been announced by the 30th International Environmental Film Festival (FIFE).

EFA Oxygen Harmonisation Project calls for patient stories and inquiries  »

To make the project a great success, real life stories and inquiries have been collected from patients with chronic respiratory diseases who require oxygen when they travel in airplanes.

Reporting from across Europe 

10-year anniversary for Latvian Ministry of Health  [Latvia]  »

February 1, 2013 marked 10 years since the beginning of a separate Ministry of Health. Health was previously under the Ministry of Welfare.

INPES - Promotion of Physical Activity  [France]  »

A website has been launched with the aim of promoting physical activity towards policy makers at regional and local levels.

Coach of the Italian national football team is the face of a new health campaign  [Italy]  »

This campaign aims to encourage citizens to lead a less sedentary life by promoting physical activity and showing how sport plays an important part in health.

Forthcoming events 

23rd Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe, (Malta, 10-12 October 2013)  »

The conference ‘Living well in a dementia-friendly society’ is jointly organised by Alzheimer Europe and the Malta dementia Society.

New publications 

A literature review on effective risk communication for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in Europe  »

ECDC publication brings together the current body of literature on risk communication (focused on communicable diseases) which can be used to inform the development of evidence-based risk communication strategies and approaches.

Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems  »

Eurofound publishes new report on difficulties these young people face accessing employment.

EU Press Releases 

World Cancer Day: 10 Facts on EU Action to Fight Cancer  »

The EU presents 10 little known facts about EU action in the field of cancer.

In the next issue

Health and Migrants

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