Statistics Explained

Media statistics

Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.

Compressed formats

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/, .jar, .xpi, .sxc, .stc, .sxd, .std, .sxi, .sti, .sxm, .stm, .sxw, .stw555 (0.497%)171,840,555 bytes (163.88 MB; 1.13%)

Total file size for this section: 171,840,555 bytes (163.88 MB; 1.13%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
text/plain.txt1 (0.000896%)251 bytes (251 bytes; 0.00000165%)

Total file size for this section: 251 bytes (251 bytes; 0.00000165%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.xlsx12,028 (10.8%)3,041,218,705 bytes (2.83 GB; 19.9%)
application/, .xlt, .xla1,302 (1.17%)802,405,376 bytes (765.23 MB; 5.26%)
application/msword.doc, .dot70 (0.0627%)27,278,336 bytes (26.01 MB; 0.179%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.docx64 (0.0573%)18,958,486 bytes (18.08 MB; 0.124%)
application/pdf.pdf53 (0.0475%)55,560,820 bytes (52.99 MB; 0.364%)
application/ (0.0367%)311,381,997 bytes (296.96 MB; 2.04%)
application/ (0.00358%)3,729,117 bytes (3.56 MB; 0.0245%)
application/ (0.000896%)25,088 bytes (25 KB; 0.000165%)

Total file size for this section: 4,260,557,925 bytes (3.97 GB; 27.9%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/png.png, .apng94,289 (84.5%)9,119,382,799 bytes (8.49 GB; 59.8%)
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe3,023 (2.71%)1,381,528,856 bytes (1.29 GB; 9.06%)
image/gif.gif133 (0.119%)280,304,390 bytes (267.32 MB; 1.84%)
image/x-bmp.bmp3 (0.00269%)6,533,338 bytes (6.23 MB; 0.0428%)
/x-empty2 (0.00179%)0 bytes (0 bytes; 0%)

Total file size for this section: 10,787,749,383 bytes (10.05 GB; 70.7%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/ (0.0233%)26,263,040 bytes (25.05 MB; 0.172%)
unknown/unknown5 (0.00448%)1,624,787 bytes (1.55 MB; 0.0107%)
application/x-php1 (0.000896%)62,195 bytes (61 KB; 0.000408%)

Total file size for this section: 27,950,022 bytes (26.66 MB; 0.183%).

All files

Total file size for all files: 15,248,098,136 bytes (14.2 GB).