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Economic and financial market consequences of ageing populations - Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Röger

Author(s): Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Röger (Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs)

Economic and financial market consequences of ageing populations - Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Röger pdf (721 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

The implications of ageing populations over the coming decades at the global level will be significant in terms of not only a slowdown in the growth rate of output and living standards but also with regard to fiscal and financial market trends. Given the backdrop of the downward trend in world-wide potential growth rates over the past number of decades, driven by falling rates of capital accumulation and a slowdown in productivity growth, the additional negative impact of relative declines in the growth rate of working age populations over the coming decades bodes ominously for future world-wide economic developments. 

The focus of the present paper is to quantify and analyse the nature, extent and geographical reach of the "real" economy and budgetary aspects of ageing populations as well as providing an initial assessment of the financial market implications of this phenomenon.

(European Economy. Economic Papers 182. April 2003. Brussels. 96pp. Tab. Free.)

KC-AI-03-003-EN-C (online)
ISBN 92-894-5622-I (online)
ISSN ISSN 1016-8060 (online)

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