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The 2003 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines BEPGs.


The 2003 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines BEPGs. pdf (2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link 

COM(2003)170 final.

For the first time, the European Commission adopted on the same day, 8 April 2003, and in streamlined form its proposals for the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPGs) and for the employment guidelines and recommendations, in order to ensure greater cohesion and effectiveness of the EU reform agenda in the medium term (2003-2005). 

The BEPGs concentrate on the contribution that economic policies can make to achieve the EU’s strategic Lisbon goal. The Lisbon agenda has seen notable successes, like the creation of five million jobs and agreement on the opening up of energy markets and on a Community patent. However much more needs to be done to further boost employment, productivity and business dynamism. Interim target dates are less than two years away. The BEPGs make both general and country-specific recommendations.  

  • They focus on the key economic policy priorities.

  • They underline the need for growth and stability-oriented macroeconomic policies and for pursuing structural reforms to raise Europe’s growth potential. 

  • Finally, they focus on actions to strengthen economic, social and environmental sustainability. 

  • With a clear strategy and new streamlined processes for making recommendations and measuring progress, the focus is now firmly on implementation.

(European Economy 04. January 2003. Luxembourg. 333pp. Tab. Graph. Bibliogr. )

KC-AR-03-004-EN-C (online)
ISBN 92-894-5086-X (online)
ISSN 0379-0991 (online)

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