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What explains the differences in income and labour utilisation and drives labour and economic growth in Europe? A GDP accounting perspective - Gilles Mourre

Author(s): Gilles Mourre, European Commission

What explains the differences in income and labour utilisation and drives labour and economic growth in Europe? A GDP accounting perspective - Gilles Mourre pdf (832 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Summary for non-specialists pdf (101 kB) Choose translations of the previous link pdf
The paper decomposes GDP both in terms of level per capita and growth rate, so as to identify the sources of income differences and of economic growth for all EU27 member states. This accounting approach has multiple advantages, although a number of substantial caveats should be borne in mind when interpreting the results. In particular, the detailed accounting approach helps distinguish exogenous from policy-influenced growth drivers.

The combination of lower per-hour productivity and lower labour utilisation is the cause of relatively low per capita GDP in euro area and EU15 countries, while weak productivity remains the main concern in the new member states.

GDP growth rate has been broken down into 12 items, including an indicator of labour quality, based upon the composition of employment by educational attainment.
JEL classification: J21, J24, O47, O52

(European Economy. Economic Papers 354. January 2009. Brussels. PDF. 88pp. Tab. Graph. Ann. Bibliogr. Free.)

KC-AI-09-354-EN-EN (online)
ISSN 1735-3187 (online)

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