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UK Economy: The crisis in perspective. Essays on the drivers of recent UK economic performance and lessons for the future

Author(s): Edited by Gabriele Giudice, Robert Kuenzel, Thomas Springbett – European Commission

UK Economy: The crisis in perspective. Essays on the drivers of recent UK economic performance and lessons for the future

UK Economy: The crisis in perspective. Essays on the drivers of recent UK economic performance and lessons for the future

The global financial crisis, which began in 2007, was probably the biggest shock to hit the UK economy in living memory. Since the beginning of this crisis, much has happened that might previously have been thought impossible: the virtual nationalization of two of the UK’s largest banks, a government deficit in double digits, a negative watch on the UK’s AAA credit rating, a Bank of England base rate 150 basis points below its previous all-time low, and a £200,000m. programme of quantitative easing. These momentous events have demanded a fundamental reworking of the traditional analysis of the UK economy.

This publication meets this need for a radical new analysis of the UK economic system. The book is an edited collection of papers presented to a European Commission seminar held in June 2010 to discuss prospects for the UK economy, the book includes chapters by some of the most prominent and respected commentators on the UK economy, including Christopher Pissarides, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize for economics sciences, Martin Weale, recently appointed to the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee and Dave Ramsden, Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury.

(Books with external publishers November 2011. Routledge. Hardback. 234pp. Tab. Graph. Bibliogr. £ 80.00.)

ISBN 978-92-79-19706-2 (online)
doi: 10.2765/18230 (online)

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