This site has been archived on 27/01/17

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Joint press release by the IMF and EC Missions in Romania

27.04.2012 - Today, the IMF's Mission Chief for Romania, Jeffrey Franks, and acting EC Mission Chief, Joost Kuhlmann, made the following statement.

"The missions from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC), currently in Bucharest, will continue their technical work with the Romanian authorities and provide them with the missions’ preliminary findings and policy recommendations. The missions expect to return to Bucharest to resume the formal discussions with the new government when it is formed.

“We have every expectation that Romania will continue to observe its economic policy commitments to its international partners. Sound macroeconomic policy and continued structural reforms remain essential for Romania’s economic recovery and long-term growth.”

For information on Romania’s precautionary Stand-By Arrangement, please see:

For more details on Romania and on the EC’s Balance of Payments assistance, please see:

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