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Nachrichten / Veranstaltungen

European Parliament launches a new web portal for petitions


The European Parliament has launched a new portal to make it easier for citizens to submit and sign petitions online and follow their progress.

Anyone who lives in the EU has the right to communicate concerns to the European Parliament. It can be a complaint about the application of an EU law or a request to the Parliament to adopt a position on a specific matter. The new petitions web portal is aimed to be more transparent and interactive; it allows you to sign a petition that has already been submitted, search petitions before submitting a new one to avoid duplication and also to follow what is happening with a petition that has already been submitted.

Follow this link to access the new portal:

ECI logoNote: Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, distinct from the EP petition, the "European citizens' initiative" allows one million EU citizens to participate directly in the development of EU policies, by calling on the European Commission to make a legislative proposal. For more information on the Citizens Initiatives: