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Nachrichten / Veranstaltungen

Europe for Citizens Forum


On 28 January, the European Citizens' Forum 2014 took place to take stock of the Europe for Citizen's Programme 2007-2013 and to reflect on the new Europe for Citizens Programme.

Keynote speaker Jeffrey C. Goldfarb of the New York based New School for Social Research introduced the debate by addressing the question "Have Europeans learned from the 20th century for the 21st century?"

Following two panel debates were organised dealing with the following questions:

Is there a European memory creating a sense of belonging and encouraging civic participation?

Citizens' Europe – a promise or an illusion? How to deal with growing euro-scepticism and the perceived democratic deficit of the European Union?

Around 150 participants representing civil society, EU Member States and beneficiaries of the programme took part in the event. Following is the text of the key note speech and one of the contributions presented during the first panel debate.

Key note speech pdf(497 kB)- Jeffrey C. Goldfarb

Sleepwalking into the Future pdf(651 kB)- Siobhan Kattago