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Bruxelles 15 October - Third Sector Impact project European Stakeholders Seminar


What are the economic and social impacts of the activities of third sector organisations? How can research institutes, organized civil society and institutions cooperate to put a value on the contribution of third sector and active citizens to society?

If you are interested in measuring the Third Sector’s contribution to Europe’s socio-economic development, join the discussion at a conference hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee, Jacques Delors Building - Room JDE 63, from 9 am to 3 pm on 15 October 2014.

Third Sector Impact is a research project that collaborates with stakeholders in all stages and promotes dialogue with statisticians and policymakers.

Registration required before 9 October to:



Flyerpdf(206 kB)

Agendapdf(119 kB)

Invitationpdf(394 kB)