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Actualités / Evénements

EP-Hearing on EU Citizenship


This hearing, jointly organised by the Commission and the European Parliament (LIBE and PETI Committees), is a response to the European Parliament's own initiative report (March 2012) on the 2010 EU Citizenship Report in which it called for closer cooperation with the Commission on EU citizenship issues, notably in view of the 2013 EU Citizenship Report. All interested stakeholders are invited to attend.

The objective of the event will be to look at obstacles EU citizens still encounter in their daily lives when exercising their EU rights, notably their right to free movement and their political rights (the discussion will notably draw on the outcomes of the online public consultation on EU citizenship), and to discuss solutions to remove these obstacles, notably in view of the 2013 EU Citizenship Report. This debate and the 2013 EU Citizenship Report will be important contributions to the European year of Citizens.

Event website