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International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Brussels - Tuesday 27 January 2015


Opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Holocaust in Europe"

Selection of a convoy of Hungarian Jews on the ramp in Birkenau. Birkenau, May 26th 1944.© Mémorial de la Shoah / coll. Yad Vashem.


We invite you to the opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Holocaust in Europe" which is held on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Tuesday 27 January 2015. The exhibition which has been developed by Paris based Mémorial de la Shoah offers a comprehensive overview of Holocaust in Europe beginning with the Nazi takeover to the Nuremberg trials. The exhibition reconstructs different stages of the persecution of European Jews from the first exclusionary measures to the "Final Solution".

The event will be opened with a keynote speech by Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner responsible for migration, home affairs and citizenship. The opening speech will be followed by a cultural programme featuring unique testimonies of several survivors of Shoah.


16:45-17:15 Registration

17:15 Welcome by DG Home Affairs

Music by Voix étouffées,

Szymon Laks, Cinq chants populaires juifs

17:30 Opening speeches by Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the European Commission for Home Affairs, Migration and Citizenship and Ronen Gil-Or, Deputy Chief of Mission of Israel to the European Union

Viktor Ullmann, Jiddisches Lied n°1 Berjoskele, Jiddisches Lied n°2

18:00 Testimonies of Auschwitz survivors Dagmar Liebl, President of Terezin Initiative and Elie Buzyn, moderated by Bruno Boyer, Mémorial de la Shoah

Viktor Ullman, Jiddisches Lied n°3

Norbert Glanzberg, Die Letzte Epiphanie

18:45 Michal Frankl, deputy Director of the Jewish Museum Prague – passing the message of Holocaust to young generations

Ilse Weber, Wir wandern durch Theresienstadt, Ade Kamerad, Wiegala

19:00 End of the programme followed by a reception

Registration: (mandatory)

Please register using the following link: (password : HRD2015)


Charlemagne Building
Visitor Center (First floor)
Rue de la Loi 170
B-1000 Brussels

For further information about the logistics of the meeting, please contact:

8 rue du Dahomey - 75011 Paris - France
Contact Logistics: Anna KARNAFIL
Tel: +33.143.677.979 – Fax: +33.143.677.900