1. Reasons for expanding the consultation process

The consultation process on audiovisual services held in February 1999 resulted in a considerable degree of consensus being achieved on a number of principles and positions in the run-up to the forthcoming negotiations. This consultation process nevertheless provided only partial solutions for some activities carried out by audiovisual services, such as the provision of recreational software. Furthermore, there were fundamental differences in the positions adopted by operators from the music sector.

In view of both these points and given that deliberations are continuing in the cinema and television sectors, the Commission should continue to examine the situation in order to clarify its negotiating position.

Two specific questionnaires on music and recreational software have been drawn up in order to obtain comments from the professionals and European organisations involved in such activities which will make it easier to identify the interests concerned.

The results of the consultations with professional groups in February 1999 are presented below.

2. Results of the consultation process launched in February 1999