Statistics Explained


Pages in category "June2024"

Adult learning statistics 25/06/2024
Adult learning statistics - characteristics of education and training 25/06/2024
Agri-environmental indicator - mineral fertiliser consumption 28/06/2024 DR and NI
Asylum applications - monthly statistics 20/06/2024 DR and NI
Balance of payment statistics 0
Businesses in the administrative and support services sector 21/06/2024
Businesses in the real estate activities sector 27/06/2024 NI
Cancer statistics 06/06/2024
Causes of death - monthly statistics 21/06/2024
Children in migration - demography and migration 0 In calendar
Coal production and consumption statistics 0 In calendar
Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco 20/06/2024 DR and NI "Price level indices"
Comparative price levels for investment 20/06/2024 DR and NI "Price level indices"
Comparative price levels of consumer goods and services 20/06/2024 DR and NI "Price level indices"
Consistency between national accounts and balance of payments statistics 26/06/2024
Culture statistics - culture-related education 28/06/2024
Developments in organic farming 19/06/2024 DR and NI
Economic globalisation indicators 0 In calendar
Electric vehicles and energy generation statistics 0 Postponed until further notice
Electricity market indicators 0 Postponed until further notice
Electricity production, consumption and market overview 0 Postponed until further notice
Energy consumption in households 05/06/2024 DR and NI
Energy production and imports 27/06/2024 DR and NI
Energy statistics - latest trends from monthly data 12/06/2024
Enlargement countries - statistical overview 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - agriculture, forestry and fisheries statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - education statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - energy statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - environment statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - finance statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - health statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - indicators for Sustainable Development Goals 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - industry and service statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - information and communication technology statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - international trade in goods statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - labour market statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - population statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - recent economic developments 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - statistics on living conditions 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - statistics on migration, residence permits, citizenship and asylum 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - statistics on research and development 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - tourism statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Enlargement countries - transport statistics 28/06/2024 Preliminary
Environmental protection expenditure accounts 05/06/2024 DR and NI
EU labour market - quarterly statistics 14/06/2024 DR and NI
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - statistics on science, technology and digital society 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - agriculture statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - education statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - statistics on trade in goods with the EU 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - indicators for sustainable development goals 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - labour market statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - population statistics 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - energy statistics 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - tourism statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - East - transport statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - agriculture statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - economic statistics 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - education statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - energy and environment statistics 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - indicators for sustainable development goals 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - international trade in goods statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - population statistics 0
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - tourism statistics 0 to be archived
European Neighbourhood Policy - South - transport statistics 0 to be archived
Eurostatistics - data for short-term economic analysis 0
Excess mortality statistics 13/06/2024 DR
Foreign-born people and their descendants - educational attainment level and skills in host country language 0 In calendar
Foreign-born people and their descendants - employment conditions 0 In calendar
Foreign-born people and their descendants - labour market indicators 0 In calendar
GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices 19/06/2024 DR and NI
Heating and cooling degree days - statistics 0 Postponed until further notice
Human resources in science and technology 13/06/2024 NI
Inflation in the euro area 0
Inland transport infrastructure at regional level 21/06/2024
International investment position statistics 0 In calendar
International trade in goods and services by end use 11/06/2024
Job vacancy and unemployment rates - Beveridge curve 14/06/2024
Job vacancy statistics 14/06/2024 DR and EI
Labour cost index - recent trends 17/06/2024 DR and EI
Labour market flow statistics in the EU 14/06/2024
Labour market slack - employment supply and demand mismatch 0 postponed
Latest developments in income dynamics and poverty 19/06/2024 New article; NI
Living conditions - quarterly statistics 21/06/2024
Living conditions in Europe - poverty and social exclusion 12/06/2024 DR and NI
Migrant integration statistics - regional labour market indicators 07/06/2024
National accounts and GDP 27/06/2024 DR; is this the calendar entry "Main GDP and employment aggregates (expressed in PPS)" ???
Natural gas market indicators 0 Postponed until further notice
Overview of status and progress of EU Member States towards the SDGs 18/06/2024 Part of SDG publication; to be archived when online publication is published.
Part-time and full-time employment - statistics 0 postponed
Population and housing census 2021 - population grids 26/06/2024 DR and NI
Production of lignite in the EU - statistics 0 In calendar
Businesses in the professional, scientific and technical activities sector 07/06/2024
Quality of life indicators - leisure 21/06/2024 NI
Quality of life indicators - social interactions 26/06/2024
Returns of irregular migrants - quarterly statistics 28/06/2024 DR and NI
Social media - statistics on the use by enterprises 19/06/2024
Social protection statistics - pension expenditure and pension beneficiaries 11/06/2024 NI
Sport participation - attending live sporting events 0 NEW
Structure of government debt 14/06/2024 DR and NI
Sustainable development in the European Union 18/06/2024 NI and publication
Temporary protection for persons fleeing Ukraine - monthly statistics 10/06/2024 DR and NI
Tourism satellite accounts on Europe 0 NEW
Tourism statistics - nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments 07/06/2024 DR and NI
Unemployment statistics and beyond 0 postponed
Water statistics 28/06/2024 DR
Weekly death statistics 13/06/2024 Not in calendar at request of unit; TBC